Turning Pokemon Go Players Into Library Patrons @ Public Libraries Online

pokemongoIt’s obvious that Pokemon Go has absolutely entranced a huge portion of the world, but can you turn all of those avid players into potential library patrons?

Melanie Lyttle and Shawn Walsh recently pondered this question for Public Libraries Online:

There is an elusive group of people sitting in their cars in your library’s parking lot making use of your library being a PokeStop or Gym. They could be teenagers but more than likely they are somewhere in their twenties, thirties, or forties. You haven’t seen them in the library for years, if ever. Can you get them into the building to see how awesome your library is?

Lyttle and Walsh offer up several interesting ideas, and most of them sound pretty simple to implement. But I think the best one is right there in the title of their post… “Strike While the Iron Is Hot!”

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