ALA Midwinter 2018 Reflections @ Inverse Genius

Stephanie Frey recently shared some of her thoughts about attending the 2018 ALA Midwinter conference as part of the Libraries Ready to Code initiative at the Games in Schools and Libraries blog at Inverse Genius:

ALA Midwinter was overwhelming. I’d never been out to the midwest or a library convention and was unsure of what to expect besides massive amounts of people. After much consideration, I found that each of these elements led to me having a fantastic time at ALA Midwinter, helped me deal with how huge and overwhelming an experience it can be, and enabled me to get the most out of the experience.


ALA Midwinter is an amazing event. Seeing what people are doing in their own libraries and sharing ideas with others was such an empowering experience. I came back to my own library eager to share everything I learned with my fellow staff and ready to leap into action.