1UP Covers National Gaming Day @ Your Library 2008

This article is from the first edition of The Video Game Librarian website I published between 2008 and 2010. It was originally written on November 11, 2008.

National Gaming Day @ Your Library, which is scheduled for Saturday, November 15, got another boost yesterday with some news coverage from 1UP. The article includes a brief writeup of what will be happening during National Gaming Day as well as a quote from ALA President Jim Rettig:

“Gaming formats have become a valuable tool for libraries,” said American Library Association President Jim Rettig. “Not only has this new format increased library usage from hard to reach users such as teens, we also have found that video games attract a variety of users and are a great vehicle to teach basic technology skills.”

UPDATE: A second writeup about National Gaming Day @ Your Library was published by the mainstream gaming press today. Be sure to check it out at Joystiq.